Unlocking the Full Potential of Kajabi with Robust Themes

When it comes to integrations and add-ons in the realm of online course platforms, two standout choices, Thinkific and Kajabi, rise above the competition. Thinkific excels with its comprehensive plugin market and API, seamlessly integrating with world-leading CRM marketing and email tools. On the other hand, Kajabi has long embraced collaboration with third-party developers to create templates for both their website and product builders. This approach yielded significant dividends in the form of the Robust Themes Framework.

As an advocate for features and customizability, it's no secret that I appreciate platforms that empower users. Adding Robust Themes with Kajabi elevates Kajabi into the undeniable king when it comes to both site building ease and product customization capabilities.

Course Area Customization

Kajabi stands out as the only course platform supporting templating of the course area, solidifying its leadership in course area customization. While Thinkific, Teachable, and Kartra offer predefined customization options, Kajabi has long offered the ability to select and customize templates. This allows developers to access template code, creating truly unique learning experiences for students.

Robust Themes capitalizes on this opportunity, offering an unparalleled level of course customization for the average user without requiring any coding skills. With Robust, Kajabi users can craft their unique dashboards and post pages, similar to building a landing page using dynamic sections and blocks. These templates allow users to combine dynamic and static elements effortlessly. Furthermore, Robust provides premade demos and a top bar with layouts and features, simplifying template setup and customization.

As the online course platforms industry matures, I hope that other platforms will draw inspiration from Robust Themes and integrate similar features directly into their platforms.

Site and Page Builder

If you've dabbled in page builder interfaces like WordPress's Bakery or Squarespace, you'll notice the more basic approach taken by Kajabi, Thinkific, and similar platforms to provide production-worthy page builders with limited budgets and development resources. Even when comparing Kajabi's page building experience to other course platforms, it falls short compared to tools provided by Teachable or Kartra. However, the scales tip dramatically when Kajabi is enhanced with Robust Themes.

Robust Themes introduces a plethora of features that prioritize building pages according to your content, not the other way around. With an extensive selection of premade sections and pages, users can effortlessly create unique, visually appealing pages in a fraction of the time it would take otherwise.

Updating Our Comparison Guides

Since 2020, we have regularly updated our platform comparison guides to reflect the latest changes and added features of different platforms. In each guide, you'll find at least one paragraph dedicated to comparing the platforms' integration capabilities. To maintain clarity, we avoid mixing core platform capabilities with those of integrations and add-ons.

For example, let's compare Thinkific and Kajabi's email marketing capabilities. If we focus solely on core features, Kajabi excels, as Thinkific lacks email marketing within the platform. However, Thinkific shines when it comes to seamless integration with leading email marketing tools such as MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, and ConvertKit. Comparing Kajabi's capabilities against Thinkific+ActiveCampaign, Thinkific+ActiveCampaign emerges as the winner.

Given that Robust Themes profoundly impacts the fundamental aspect of any course platform—course creation—one might argue that a new comparison category is warranted. This category would compare Kajabi+Robust with all other platforms. Please let us know in the comments if you'd like to see these guides and if you believe they would assist newcomers in making more informed decisions. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping the content we provide.